Saturday, December 02, 2023

The Ramifications of Snow Lethargy

I have just come in from removing snow from the sidewalks and driveway. It was a task made more difficult by my quiescently apathetic attitude towards snow removal yesterday.

We got about 3 or 4 inches of snow late yesterday and I just didn’t feel like going out to deal with it.

When I got up this morning, there was a wet heavy snow coming down that soon morphed into snain and then, straight rain. The snow on the ground became saturated with moisture.

My snow blower was useless in this stuff. I was unclogging the shute constantly. I finally figured out that I could use it with the blower off and just shove a mound of snow to the side of the driveway.

 In addition to making the snow so wet, the rain also brought down a smattering of leaves that still hung in the trees. So now they are all mixed in with the snow. Not a huge deal but if I get it in my head to make a snowman this season, I’m going to be working with a lot of dead crunchy organic material.

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