If you guessed Thursday, September 14th at 6:07 P.M., you are the big winner of our Contest. That's when I lit the pilot light to the boiler. It came right on and heated beautifully. The house is a toasty warm haven suitable for wimpy, thin skinned wimpy wimps.
We had a successful surprise Retirement Party for Susan's friend Sharron last night. She was totally stunned and caught completely off guard. I should have gotten a picture of her reaction when she walked into the kitchen, but of course, I don't have a camera. (See September Se7enth posting)

The other big event of the evening was the official unveiling of the Stained Glass Window. Everyone was very impressed with Susan and her newly acquired Stained Glassing skills.
There were several people at the party that were friends of Sharron's that we had never met, so we had a great time taking them through the house and showing off all our work. It was a good feeling to have so many people be impressed by what we're doing.
I'm quite certain they left after the party and said, "Boy, I'm glad that's not us! What a lot of work they have to do!!"
"Yes they do. But did you see that Stained Glass?!
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