Ronnie got to work on power washing the Carriage House. She said it went surprising well and she hauled away six gallons of paint chips. That is just off two sides. As I stated in an earlier post, the old paint is hanging on by the last, tiniest old paint molecule.
Now the whole building has that wonderful wet sock smell to it. That is of course subtly blended with hints of moth balls and semi-truculent skunk.
I was hoping to enter homemade beer and wine in the fair this year to try and match last years third place finishes. The deadline for entry was yesterday and we missed it. So, I will plan my recipe for next year (I have a good beer recipe in mind) and give the other people who entered a chance at the Blue Ribbon, Championship, Brass Ring or All-You-Can-Eat Elephant Ears.
Yeah, that's the ticket!
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