I imagine an band of roving damsels searching the urban landscape for trees that have been cut down with a stump left behind to fester in the yard. Calling upon their intense training skills, they drill several large holes into the stump and then sprinkle the stump gently with gasoline.

At least, that's how I imagine it.
Susan and I have a major conflict in our lives that we will never be able to reconcile. It is hard to believe that our marriage has survived as long as it has but then, they do say that opposites attract. You see, I am a PC person and she is a Mac person. I don't understand Macs and she hates PCs.
She has rarely visited this blog while at work because she has told me she can't see it when she logs on. "It's too dark" she says. I tell her that it's her damn Mac and they Suck! Today, I used the Mac at work to try and log on and...I am right! Mac's Suck!
This site is un-readable on the Mac. It is waaaay to dark and it doesn't even have the same format. I'll e-mail Susan soon and tell her that I is right and Mac's Suck!

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