They had started to fade been then came back. Susan has been concerned that we brought the bugs home from the lake with us and they were still visiting. I have the massive bites and she gets one or two and goes nuts.
Anyway, the picture above is from two days ago. The Doctor gave me a prescription strength ointment to apply as well as a series of steriods to take. I can see a huge improvement. The best part, I'm not as itchy as I was.
Susan's birthday was last Sunday and to celebrate, the city threw an elaborate concert with fireworks for her.
It was a lovely night after a hot day. We got down to the park around se7en o'clock after consuming the traditional Susan Birthday Meal of Cheeseburgers, Corn on the Cob, Potato Chips, and Cottage Cheese.
We saved the traditional Susan Birthday cake, which is Angel Food Cake slathered in Strawberries, for the park. Everyone joined in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday and she blew out her 39 candles in front of a sizable crowd.
The concert was the Royal Fireworks Concert where fireworks are set off to Handels Royal Fireworks Music for loud bangs and booms. It was well received and Susan had a fabulous birthday.
Unfortunately, we should have gone home after the concert rather than drop by a local watering hole located right by our cars. We all had a couple more drinks which made us feel small in the morning.