Friday, July 03, 2009

Independence Weekend Day One

I think what we learned from yesterday's entry is to stay away from the computer after alcohol is consumed.

We have nothing planned for the three day weekend and so anything we accomplish will be bonus accomplishment points. Our first job today was to sleep in and we performed that task brilliantly. Susan is like a Sleeping In Savant. A true professional.

I'm going to work on some gardening, pond leakage repair, a little electrical work and some major hanging out. Susan is on a roll with the kitchen wall and will probably paint it today or tomorrow. It looks like she is going to have to buy some paint. we found a can in the basement that is a similiar color but it was so old I had to destroy the lid to get into it.

The hops have reached the top of the arbor and now have seemed to stop growing. The Hallertau is the taller more robust vine but it seems to have become an aphid factory. I sprayed soapy water on it but I can't tell if that is helping. The Sterling is just cruising along and appears aphidless. It is certainly interesting that the little buggers would prefer one kind of hops over the other.

I planted some tomatoes last week. They were starts that I got from mom's friend, John. He grew them rom seeds he dried out last year from one of his really big tomato plants. They are starting to overcome the transplant shock and hopefully will produce some tomatoes by October.

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