I get a daily e-mail feature from Meriam-Webster Dictionary called Word of the Day. It is my feeble attempt to improve my vocabulary by looking at new words every day and then forgetting them.
Yesterdays offering was very good because it was a word I had not heard before and the pronunciation was nothing like I expected it to be.
If I were to use invigilate in a sentence, someone might misconstrue my meaning. Ya know?!
We went downtown on bicycles last night to watch the fireworks but this year we were joined by our friends Ron and Kelly and then later joined by buddy Mark.
Ron and Kelly came over about 6:00 and we put Ron to work on the grill with his pork ribs and bar b-q sauce. He pretty much ruined my grill and the inside of my Webber. It will take some major heat to remove all the baked on goodness. Man, those ribs were goooooood!
We rode down to the park about 9:00 and had great seats to watch the fun. Then we hopped back on the bikes and avoided the mayhem downtown with nary an problem.

Susan and I spent today on some projects around the house and enjoyed a quiet afternoon puttering.
Tomorrow it is back to reality. What a drag! Oh well, you can't appreciate the good without the reality.
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