Monday, October 12, 2009

Old Wine

When Susan and I got married 4 years, 51 weeks and four days ago, we made a batch of wine to serve at the reception. We called it Matrimonial Merlot. It came from a kit and was a very nice wine. everyone who tried it was amazed at our wine making prowess. Kit wines generally do not have a long shelf life. They do not age and improve over the years. They reach their peak after about two years and start to decline from there.

We gave a bottle to our friend Mark, to whom I delivered a door he bought from us. While at his house, I noticed the bottle of "Mat Mer" in his wine rack and told him it was well past time to drink it. So he brought it over for dinner last night and we opened it.
It was a little off, kind of musty smelling and slightly alcoholic. But after breathing for about 15 minutes, it was very drinkable. We managed to choke it down with no problemo.

It was another razor cold night. I think we may have broken a couple of records over the weekend. It feels so luxurious to walk into a warm house. I'm going to have to drop the thermostat here soon. This bill won't be pretty.

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