Sanding went very well on Sunday once we got to it. I am very pleased with my skill level with the belt sander. I have managed to eliminate all the high spots in the hallway hardwood I repaired and I think it will be okay.
Susan worked on the stairs and made some good progress. The stairs have so many nooks and cranny's that you could sand for weeks on end and never seem to each the end. She got to many of the nooks and glossed over the cranny's.
It is a very busy month for us and I cannot see how we are going to fit in everything we need to do. We have already scaled back our Wedding Anniversary Weekend. We normally go to some fairly local Bed and Breakfast (within a few hours travel) and make a weekend of it. But we're still stinging from our Iowa trip so things must be toned down.

Halloween is coming up, the tile is coming, we're ready to sand the floors...
Calgon, take me away!
In heating news, we still haven't fired up the furnace.
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