Because one of us, whose name is Susan, likes to sleep in when the opportunity presents itself, we did not get started on the stairs until about 10:00. Again we made progress but it doesn't seem apparent when you look at the stairs. Because we had a Memorial Day Barbecue to attend, we only had about five hours to work and we made the best of them.

We really only have about seven or eight steps to go and then the newel post at the bottom. Then we can begin varnishing which we anticipate will take at least three coats. Once that is done, we have the arduous and tedious task of painting the
balusters. I think we are still two weeks away from calling this a done deal. And that is an optimistic two weeks at best.
The barbecue we attended was at the home of my Mom's friend, John. John has been mentioned here before. He helped us cut the hardwood when we began the Entryway tile project and he helped me to router the pieces of trim that I just placed in the newel post.
John lives in a wonderful house he built some 40 years ago overlooking the Spokane River and Riverside State Park. In keeping with Memorial Day tradition, it rained like a burst sewer line all day. John did a fabulous job on the barbecued ribs. They were as tasty as any I have ever had. During dinner we got to enjoy a cloud burst that lasted a good five minutes. The picture below is a view from John's backyard about half an hour after the storm.

Also in keeping with Memorial Day tradition, the sun came out tonight just in time to set.
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