The day seemed to live up to the forecast. It was very windy and extremely rainy and I think a motorcyclist died due to high speed and wind blowing him into a guard rail. I was concerned because we had a mildly windy day a few weeks back and a section of shingles on the roof tried to blow away. I got them tacked down in my semi-slip shod manner and therefore, you can understand my concern.
I was quite pleased to drive up to the house and see that the roof was in tact. I moseyed out of the car and sauntered up to the back door. Something to my right caught my eye. I looked and saw this.
As you can see it is a massive trunkal portion of the tree. It brought down a crap load of branches and major trunkal portions of wood like material. It came from the empty space in the picture below.
There are any number of ways this chunk o'wood could have fallen that would have caused devastation and major power us. It turns out that our God fearing ways are paying off in weird and mysterious ways because it fell in the direction that caused the least amount of damage. It brought down the power line that feeds the Carriage House. No big deal! We can live without power in the Carriage House for now. It brought down our Cable TV line. Again, no big deal as we have Satellite. A huge branch end up leaning against our large kitchen window. No broken glass. There is some slight damage to a rain gutter and the chain link fence that Susan hates.

Here are some other pictures.

Ted brought over a set of Industrial Strength Clippers and together with my semi slip shod set of small business clippers AND my electric chain saw, we started tearing into the mess.
Susan showed up shortly and joined in the fun.
By 7:15, it looked like this.

I just love being a home owner.
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