I loaded the little stinker into the truck and took him out to my skunk dumping ground out past Se7en Mile. It's right next to the ORV park. Probably not the best place to hike seeing as how I have now transplanted 10 skunks out there.
I returned to town and headed for the local neighborhood Hardware store to procure a floor sander. Sadly, the local neighborhood Hardware Store was out of them. So I had to go to Home Depot and of course, had no problem acquiring one there. It's not a bad thing, I just prefer to give my money to the locally owned neighborhood Hardware Store.
I got the sander, brought it home and went to work...after getting Susan out of bed.
It went remarkably fast and with very little sanding dust in the air. I started at 10 and I finished my first pass over all 235 square feet at about 1.

I should also point out the Ronnie stopped by and continued the painting project. She is cruising right along and I expect she will be finished in a couple of days.
Off to Pig Out!
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