Friday, December 31, 2010
Last Blog of 2010
We have decided to take New Years on the road so we are leaving shortly for Wallace, Idaho. It's about an hour and half drive on a lovely four lane freeway so it's really a breeze. We are going to spend the night in Wallace and ring in the new year there.
We will arise on January First, bright eyed and not hungover at all, and enjoy a day of skiing at Lookout Pass.
We should be working on the house, but there's plenty of time for that in Twenty-Eleven.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Last Snowstorm of Twenty-Ten
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Snow Day

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Iowa 27 Missou 24
I got home tonight and my first job is to feed the cats. Their first job is to remind me of my first job. They are usually all there waiting for their dish to be presented. Tonight, Oscar was nowhere to be found. I called him from the front and back door. It was raining pretty hard so I figured he would be along anon.
Susan came in and asked if Oscar was at the door when I got home. I said I hadn't seen him yet and we began the search. A cat not showing up at dinner time is cause for concern.
My go to search spot for Oscar is under the front porch. I shined a flashlight under there and voila!...there he was. He didn't appear to be interested in coming in.
Well, eventually, I pulled the lattice of the side of the porch and crawled under there to flush him out. Remarkably, he let me grab him and carry him out. I thought maybe he was injured but that turned out to be untrue.
We think something freaked him out and scared him under there. I think it was the rain.
The forecasters are going crazy telling us that there is snow a-comin. Well, it is 10:45 PM and the temperature here at the house is 37 degrees. It is cooling and the rain is coming down pretty hard right now so I'm thinking they may be correct. Or, they may be covering their asses...which I think is more likely. I'm going to bed now and we'll see what the story is in the morning.
Iowa beat Missouri in the Insight Bowl tonight. Susan is pleased.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Holiday Hangover
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Open House Flop
Okay that's all I'll say.
The people that attended our Open House Event were Mark, Mike, Gary, Kim, Lee, Sue, Ted and Ted's Friend whose name I can't remember. That is out of about 25 people we invited. We do not feel slighted by this lack of attendance. We didn't do a very good job of getting the word out or of insuring that those we invited might attend. You know...the whole RSVP thing.
The unfortunate thing is that Susan worked her ass off to prepare for the party and she wasn't feeling all that great as she prepared. I tried my best to help but I have found it's best to keep out of her way and just do as she says.
I think the timing worked against us. It was the end of a long holiday weekend and I think people were tired of being festive.
For me, I'm glad it's behind us and I wish I didn't have this hangover that I'm going to have in the morning.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas 2010
The only problem with that is I will lose it before Christmas comes around again.
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve day. Susan slept in and I woke up early and puttered around the various shopping emporiums until I had filled my bucket with the appropriate gifts.
At noon we went to church and followed that up by touring the Campbell House. It's a local turn of the century mansion that belongs to the museum. They decorate it up for Christmas and I thought it would be fun to go see it. We even coaxed our pastor and his wife to join us.
It's a very impressive house and it has been expertly restored.
We made it back home by three and lolled about until it was time to go to dinner. We attended the traditional family Christmas Eve Feast and had a great time and enjoyed a fabulous Prime Rib.
Just as we were preparing to head out the door, my friend Mike from Bellingham called and announced he was coming to town. We had spoke to him earlier in the week and he asked then if we could put him up. I said of course and he said he would let us know if he was coming.
We hadn't heard from him so we decided he probably wasn't coming. The late notice was no big deal other than making sure he got into the house okay with us gone.
Susan has been affected by her boss and caught his cold. She has been feeling crappy all day. We have pretty much taken it easy except that now she wants to prepare for our open house event we are having tomorrow. That means cleaning, cooking and ordering me about.
All in all, a good Christmas!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Welcome Solstice
This doesn't seem like the kind of earth shattering news that would elevate its status to blog worthiness. But I'm trying to beat my record for posts. I need six more posts to tie my record.
I didn't want to just make a post with irrelevant content (like this) just to beat my record. I don't think that is proper and it would be a hollow victory.
So I would also like to add that, true to form, I have bought practically nothing for anyone on my Christmas list. I know what I want to buy. I just haven't gotten around to the pain in the ass process of buying it.
There! Now this is a post worthy of...a hollow victory.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Mo Sno

Here's a scene of the street this morning at about 6:30 as I was trying to clear a little snow before venturing out to work. I'll finish up tonight when I get home.
I should also like to point out that the Winter Solstice is upon us. Finally, the season matches the weather.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Why Would You Live Here

The snow has returned. About two inches fell today and I broke out the snow blower tonight and made it go away, only to have it start snowing again. They are saying three to six inches. If more is to come, I'm two inches ahead of it.
It can take a good hour to cover my snow blowing terrain and I broke it down in segments tonight. You have lots of time with your thoughts when you're doing snow removal.
It takes me about 20 minutes to clear the driveway and the alley. I go about a third of the way down the alley. Then I do the southern portion of the sidewalk on the block. that takes about 10 minutes. Then I finish up with the northern portion which takes about 15 minutes.
This can take longer or shorter depending on the snow fall.
So, there is my breakdown of the snow blowing procedure. What could be more interesting?
Almost anything?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mickey Mouse Electrical Engineering
I am looking on-line at to see what the specs are for a shower light. There is no danger of my humble unprofessional uninformed opinion...but I want to make my opinnion less humble, more professional, and more informed.
All our many inches of fabulous pre-season snow is gone. It rained a quarter of an inch on Monday and that pretty much washed away what little snow was left. I guess I'm ready for the next round.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Remodeled Shower Issue

This is clear photographic evidence that I bought a piece of Chinese shit and it's NOT MY FAULT! Except for buying the piece of Chinese shit.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
2010 Carriage Ride

Now, it's time to get some lights up.
4:41PM - I am declaring victory over the Christmas Lights. Susan has completed the inside decorating...except for the tree, which we have yet to purchase...and probably won't for another week.
We are now ready for the Carriage Ride. The only problem now is that the friends we invited canceled on us. We were somewhat expecting this because these friends have changed plans on us before. It is too late now to try and invite anyone else over. So, we are going to be Susan and Stan tonight. We will hang with our neighbors and catch up on all the neighborhood gossip. There was an ambulance called to a house across the park about an hour ago so maybe we will find out "wazzupwidat!"
Here's how we look for now!
** Happy Krimble Everyone **
10:39PM - Well, I'm afraid I have no good picture to share from the Carriage Ride. We had a great time though. We got our ride around the park and talked to a bunch of neighbors and then Susan and I finished off the evening watching the most recent Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey, Jr. An okay flick with great effects with a story that followed the Holmesian style but never written by Sir Artie Conan Doyle.
We have decided that it has been a good day!
Thursday, December 09, 2010
When it Rains...
The forecast is calling for it to turn into snow tomorrow and Saturday. I guess it remains to be seen. In the meantime, I will continue to clean up the driveway and street as I can.
Only one more sky walk and we are fini! I'm looking forward to it being behind us. I painted in the large skywalk from the STA Plaza to Sterling Savings. I crosses Riverside so is one of the longer skywalks. I did it in just over two hours.
I had a heck of a time trying to find a parking space. I don't know what was going on downtown tonight but it appeared to be a pretty happening place. That's not something you see a lot down there.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Festive Festiveness
In any event, here is how the house looks so far.

Sunday, December 05, 2010
Ice Rink Deck
But today, I'm writing about the house. Specifically, the deck. After a long day of painting, we decided it was a good time to make use of the hot tub. That's the hot tub right there beyond the railing. You'll note a line of frozen snow in the middle of the deck. That is from the over hang above dripping down on to the deck. It managed to solidify in the middle there and then all the exta water was able to spread out over the entire deck and form a lovely skating rink.
It also built up around the gate we go through to get to the hot tub. That made it very difficult and somewhat life threatening to get to the hot tub. But, we made it work.
Now we are enjoying the evening with whatever we want to do. Susan wants to start putting up Christmas decorations and she is doing that as I write.
Also, as I write, I am writing this. I just wrote that. I wrote that too and right now I am writing this. Aren't you glad you took time out of your busy schedule to read this...or that!
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Faith Restored
I have two snow shovels. One I leave by the back door and one I leave of the front porch. The front porch shovel is gone. Someone of the genus Scumbagus, has adopted it and given it a better home than I could ever have hoped to give it. Bastard!
We have been painting relentlessly for over a week. As of right now, we have three sky walks to finish. We took Friday off from our regular jobs and painted all day. We may have gotten a couple of other jobs in the meantime. That's the big advantage to being out painting on a regular business day. People ask for a card all the time.
When we paint at night like we normally do, we only see kids and vagrants. they never ask for our card.
I should also mention that the whole snow situation is under control for now. It hasn't snowed since Tuesday, which was mostly rain, and the plows came by today and really cleaned up the streets.
More snow is forecast for later in the week so we will see how this develops. Remember, we are only a few days into December and we have significant snowfall on the ground. No Pineapple Express is expected soon.