It is Sunday morning, 10:33AM as I write this and we slept through church. Didn't get up in time. We have much to accomplish this day because this evening is the annual Corbin Park Carriage Ride. Yea!
We have a few friends coming over and we will enjoy some neighborhood frivolities.
In the meantime, Susan is on a cleaning jag and I have many lights to finish attaching to the house.
I shall update this post throughout the day as time permits.
I should comment on the party I attended last night. I guy I grew up with named Brian had a holiday party at his place on the south hill...way up the south hill on Glenrose Prairie. This is the second year he and his girlfriend Dana have had the party. I made a batch of beer and it was well received and enjoyed. Happily, I still have some left. Here is a picture from the fire pit looking towards Brian's expansive garage where some party goers are enjoying shots of Jager.
11:38AM - I have been successful on the roof with my heat cable. I wrote in an earlier post about this touchy section of the roof where great icicles form and then proceed to screw up the house. I laid this heat cable up there in the middle of the freeze but at that time, I could only lay it out but not secure it. I remedied that today and I think it will work well. I need to buy and 100 foot roll of this stuff to properly cover the whole area. 

Now, it's time to get some lights up.
4:41PM - I am declaring victory over the Christmas Lights. Susan has completed the inside decorating...except for the tree, which we have yet to purchase...and probably won't for another week.
We are now ready for the Carriage Ride. The only problem now is that the friends we invited canceled on us. We were somewhat expecting this because these friends have changed plans on us before. It is too late now to try and invite anyone else over. So, we are going to be Susan and Stan tonight. We will hang with our neighbors and catch up on all the neighborhood gossip. There was an ambulance called to a house across the park about an hour ago so maybe we will find out "wazzupwidat!"
Here's how we look for now!
** Happy Krimble Everyone **
10:39PM - Well, I'm afraid I have no good picture to share from the Carriage Ride. We had a great time though. We got our ride around the park and talked to a bunch of neighbors and then Susan and I finished off the evening watching the most recent Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey, Jr. An okay flick with great effects with a story that followed the Holmesian style but never written by Sir Artie Conan Doyle.
We have decided that it has been a good day!
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