Saturday, December 04, 2010

Faith Restored

My faith in my fellow human person has been restored. I used to think that most people where scumbags. But I think that is too harsh. I have now come to accept that there are only a few scumbags out there and they all hover around me.

I have two snow shovels. One I leave by the back door and one I leave of the front porch. The front porch shovel is gone. Someone of the genus Scumbagus, has adopted it and given it a better home than I could ever have hoped to give it. Bastard!

We have been painting relentlessly for over a week. As of right now, we have three sky walks to finish. We took Friday off from our regular jobs and painted all day. We may have gotten a couple of other jobs in the meantime. That's the big advantage to being out painting on a regular business day. People ask for a card all the time.

When we paint at night like we normally do, we only see kids and vagrants. they never ask for our card.

I should also mention that the whole snow situation is under control for now. It hasn't snowed since Tuesday, which was mostly rain, and the plows came by today and really cleaned up the streets.

More snow is forecast for later in the week so we will see how this develops. Remember, we are only a few days into December and we have significant snowfall on the ground. No Pineapple Express is expected soon.

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