Saturday, August 08, 2015

Sub Floor Day

I mentioned in my last post that all the receptacles are working. That appears to be wrong, a confabulation. It is in fact, an lie!

Only the receptacle I struggled with is working. I suspect I have the same issue with silver and brass screws.

But that is a problem for another day. I can work around it because today is SUB FLOOR DAY.

I am pleased to announce that I was successful in getting the flooring cut, placed and mounted.

Here are the pictures.

This picture shows a close up of the sub floor, prior to screwing. The photo below shows some screws in place. It was much more dramatic when I thought of it.

The receptacle on the right works. The one on the left is making a liar of me.

I got started in earnest on the project about 9 AM and worked until 3. Everything went smoothly but there was lots of carrying plywood sheets into the bathroom, getting a fit and then back down to the cutting area for a trim. 

I am also happy to announce that the floor is level---ish. I think it will be okay. I can tell you that it's better than it was.

And I never once fell through the joists. I would not have bet against that but I am pleased that I don't get to collect.

I am beat! Good night!

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