Wow! What an ordeal.
Today was the day to connect the cooktop.
I bought a gas line back in February. I discovered today that the fittings were too large…5/8 inch. So, I got in the truck and drove to the Depot to replace it. I was able to find the receipt in my e-mail and all I wanted to do was trade it for a 1/2 inch fitting.I got to the Returns desk and walked right up the counter. I explained the situation and the gal told me it was over 90 days so all I could get was a store credit. That was no problem because I just wanted to trade it. She said she needed my driver’s license.That’s when I realized I left my wallet at home.
So, I drove back home and then returned to the Depot. I made the return of the wrong gas line, got the gas line with the half inch fittings and returned home.
It didn’t fit.
I drove to the Depot for the third time and this time requested to speak to someone who knew about gas. He explained to me that I needed a fitting to fit into the fitting.
It worked. I was able to connect everything which led to the moment of truth. Would the cooktop work.
I brought Susan into the kitchen, I turned on the gas and I attempted to light a burner. I got the igniter to click but no flame. I tried all the different burners and got nothing. I could hear the gas. I could smell the gas.
Finally, the center burner flamed on. I managed to get all the burners working, however one of them is kind of inconsistent as far as the ignition goes.
This was our first chance to actually see the downdraft fan work. I can actually see it sucking the flames towards it.
I went outside to get a cast iron pan we use for camping. Susan wanted to do cheese steak for the first meal. When I returned to the kitchen without the pan (cuz I couldn’t find it) I smelled gas.
We decided to shut it all down and get Anderson Sheet Metal in here to confirm it’s properly sealed.
So no dinner from the new cook top tonight.
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