Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Useless Information

It's a bit after 9AM and I'm planning my day. When I'm finished here, I need to get in a walk. I'm not very good at taking my morning walk and I need to correct that. Especially when the weather is as nice as it is.

I am subscribed to this Neighborhood website called For the most part, it contains posts from people who were robbed or ripped off. You can post about anything but ripoffs seem to garner the most activity.

I had this post this morning.

What am I supposed to do with this?! It's totally useless. I guess I will start being suspicious of any 250 poundish guy in a black shirt and ball cap.

I do have a few projects planned for the day. And we are preparing for Shaun to come over tomorrow and finish up all remaining cabinet installation. Then we will be ready for Monday when the counter tops show up.

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