Monday, January 06, 2025

A Little Spurt of Productivityness

I have recently rediscovered the fact that if you fill your days with things to do, they go by faster AND you feel productive.

Presently, I’m not too concerned about the day going by faster. It seems like I just got up and already it’s almost 4:00. But, I have not felt very productive. 

Now that we are out of the Holiday season where taking it easy seems to be the thing to do, it’s time to get back to reality and do something with myself.

To that end, I spent today working on a kitchen project that has been neglected for too long.

You see that big space under the counter. There are supposed to be shelves there. Two of em. I got to work to make that happen.

Of course, nothing in this house is as cut and dried as deciding to do a project and then doing it. First, I had to add some laminate edging to the exposed sides of the shelves. So, after getting them cut to the proper length, I ironed on the edging.

I will be pretty much ready to get the shelves in place after I finish laying down the base shoe around the bottom of the cabinets. This is another finishing job that I’ve just taken too long to finish.

So, I think I have done everything I can do today to get ready for a major spurt of accomplishment tomorrow.

If I just do a little bit every day, I will get it done!

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Happy 2025

I'm always pretty good about getting on here on the first of the year and posting stuff. Then, I fall off the radar and you hardly hear from me again. 

Why should this year be any different.

We woke up on the new year to snow falling. It was pretty sparse and pretty wet. I barely stuff to the grass and didn't cover the sidewalks for very long at all.

In spite of today being a holiday, we got stuff done. We got the Christmas Tree taken down as well as the lights on the house.

Now we have a bunch of boxes to stow but that will come later.

One thing at a time.