Friday, January 24, 2025

Kitchen Remodel - Phase Four

Today we are starting on the final phase of the kitchen remodel...putting up the ceiling tile.

For the past several weeks, we have been preparing the styrofoam ceiling tiles we purchased well over a year ago. They have been sprayed with a fire retardant and now we have been painting them an out-of-the-can flat white. We added a fire retardant agent to the paint as well.

One of the things we discovered is that Susan doesn't like the flat paint. She would prefer a semi gloss. 

So we are repainting the 75 or so tiles we have already painted with the new semi gloss paint. In order to keep the look consistent, and to have the tiles treated with the fire retardant stuff, we will paint everything remaining twice. Once with flat, once with semi gloss. It's a major time consuming pain in the ass,  but I must admit the semi gloss looks better. Besides, we're retired. We have the time.

We decided to start in the pantry because it's a small area and seems like a good spot to learn from our mistakes. The first order of business was to take down the light.

Upon trying to loosen the ring that holds the cover plate in place, I broke the chain that holds the light. Fortunately, I was able to get replacement parts at Revival Lighting. We use them a lot for our lighting needs. 

Anyway, the light is down and we are ready to begin. But not today!      

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