Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Piano Repair Checkup

Today we got to go over to the “All Things Piano” warehouse and see the progress they are making on the piano. After seeing it, I’m really excited to get it back.

Here are some pictures.

There is the repaired sound board. If you look closely, you can see the pieces of spruce that have been slid in to repair the cracks. They are a slightly lighter color than the sound board.

That’s the new decal that goes on the sound board. They give it a day to cure before peeling off the backing paper.

That is the harp after it has been gilded. That’s going to look fantastic. That little addition added $600.00 to the cost of this project.

The next step after putting it back together is to restring it. I asked them to call me when that’s is going on so I can get some more pictures.

They think they will be done in a couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to getting it back. Did I mention that?

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