Saturday, July 28, 2018

Reflections on the New Mirror

I finally found a new mirror to replace our decimated one at Fred Meyer. It was listed at $99.00 but I got a discount and paid about $85.00. I presented it to Susan last Thursday (her birthday) and we hung it today. 
I am very confident that this one will hold for a long time. 

We added an update to the history of the mirror on the wall where it hangs. 
Pictured above is the one wall remaining to be stripped of lath. We are going to tackle it today.
Please make a note of the wall pictured above. Before we installed the door shown on the right, we suspected that there had been a door into this room on that wall. This would have been a sitting room. We were surprised to find no door framed in when we removed the plaster and lath.

But you will notice that that appears to be a door framed in just to the left of the door. The only thing is, that door would have been right smack dab at the bottom of the stairs. It is a mystery that we will never know, I guess.

Once we complete that final bit of lath removal, I am ready to do my rewiring. I'm not doing much. I'm adding one outlet and moving the TV cable to an inside wall. I'm also going to run a new phone line, updated and modern like, to accept the electronic doodads of the Interweb.

7:58PM: We worked until about 3:30 and we can now say we have successfully completed Phase One of the remodel.
After  the work was done, it was off to our Neighborhood Country Club across the street for a nice cooling swim.

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