Saturday, October 05, 2019

Autumn Work

Today, with the death of our cat Oscar, we have accepted that Autumn is here. So we are trying to clean up the yard and put away some flower pots. I have already taken down the massive vines of hops and I need to trim back the grape vines.

Once we got the flowers packed up, Susan went to work on more window scraping and I set about to get those two last window panes installed. I bought two panes of glass at Home Depot that were 11" x 14". I needed to cut them to 10.25" x 10.75". 

I butchered the first pane and then broke into unusable pieces. Susan showed me the proper way to cut glass and I easily installed that first pane.

Then it was back to the Depot to get another piece of glass.

That one cut easily once I knew what I was doing and the installation is complete, glazing and all.

So now our day is winding down and it is time to go to the Hub for some richly deserved frosty malt beverage. 

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