Saturday, October 05, 2019

Oscar 2000-2019

When we went to bed last night, we were pretty sure Oscar was not going to be with us in the morning. I've been thinking that for the last several days. We sat in front of the fireplace and he sat on our laps, very weak and not moving much. I'd like to think he was comfortable and content.

At the end of the evening, we placed him on the warm floor in the bathroom and he passed sometime during the night. We took him to the Vet this morning and arranged for a cremation.

So now we are catless and expect to be that way for a while. Oh, there will be cats. Susan will see to that. But when will there be cats? That is the question. Perhaps we can start the Cat Game. I predict there will be cats by Thanksgiving.
You were a good cat. Rest in Peace, Oscar.

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