Sunday, December 29, 2019

Christmas Wrap Up

We have made it through Christmas and tomorrow is back to the grind, with a brief respite on Wednesday for New Years Day.

I've had a week off which has been great. However, I don't seem to have accomplished anything to show for the time off. I had wanted to completely clean out my closet and throw a bunch of stuff away. But I am lazy so it didn't happen.

We got three new items for the house. First, a wireless printer. We have been without one for a while and it was becoming frustrating. so we are back in business on that account.

Second, a new scale. The one we have had for several years has been unreliable. I can gain or lose as much as 5 pounds every day. My weight has been hovering around 215. With the new scale, I have gained ten pounds overnight. I'm now hovering around 225. I may go back to the old unreliable.

Thirdly, we have a new wine kit to start. We'll probably do that within the next week. Sounds like a good project for the weekend.

In the meantime, it's back to work tomorrow. It should be an easy week as a lot of people are not back to work yet. i have plenty to do either way.

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