Friday, January 10, 2020

Let it Snow

Anticipation builds as we await the coming of a Winter Storm.

Winter Storm 2020!

It's very exciting.

This has been the main focus of the news the last couple of days. This and an avalanche at Silver Mountain that killed three skiers on Tuesday.

The forecast is calling for between four to se7en inches to fall starting around mid day and making the P.M. commute a slide show of fun and dented fenders.

I'm on the bus of course so I'm not too worried about my commute, other than the buses running late.

The snow blower is gassed up and ready to blow. Now I just have to wait for the white stuff.

10:33AM: I just looked out the window and the snow has started. It's not even sticking yet. I guess I should take some pictures of the frosty progress.
Not much happening here. You can't even tell it's snowing.
Here we are at 3:15. The snow has been falling steadily since it began and is still coming down. I don't know if it is going to turn into 7 inches, let alone 4 but we shall see.

In the hour after I took this picture, the snow started to accumulate.
Getting home on the bus during a snow storm is no walk in the park. I waited for half an hour outside work and the 20 minute ride took 40 minutes to get downtown. Once there, my transfer bus was 16 minutes away. Then it was delayed. After 20 minutes, the schedule said 50 minutes. I could walk home in 50 minutes. And so I did.

Now I am home and very happy to be here. 

There is a good seven inches on snow on the ground and it's still coming. I would like to get in a round of snow blowing tonight but I will settle for a little shoveling from the garage to the house.

I must say that I am impressed with the Weather Service. The snow fell just as predicted.

10:35PM: Here is a picture for the statistics of the night.
And here's another for the front yard.
The snow is wet and heavy. Great for making a Snow Individual. Unfortunately, it is raining now. So that individual would wash away. Hopefully by morning.

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