Saturday, June 13, 2020

Dumpster Day

It is a rainy wet Saturday so my plans to work outside are in the dumpster. I had a good mostly rain free day yesterday which allowed me to get several of the baseboards cut to length for the TV Room.
I decided to work on a minor little problem that popped up. When removing the plaster and lath walls, we left a chunk of plaster at the bottom of the wall. While it was close to being flush with the floor, it was not flush with the wall. The baseboards would not have fit up snugly to the wall.
So today we chipped out the plaster. It turned out to be quite a mess. However, it is done now and one more impediment removed to being done with this two year project.

I think my next move is to start sanding the floor. We are saving the main sanding for Fourth of July weekend but we can get a good head start by sanding the edges of the room. Since I have a couple of hand sanders, it should be no problem.

We are heading out shortly to look for a new couch for the TV Room. The La-Z-Boy store sent us a flyer concerning a sale that ends today. Probably not the best time to start looking. We're not even sure what we are looking for. Only that it reclines, is at least a three seater and is no more than eight feet long. Cup holders would be nice, but not mandatory. It's going to have to be comfy because I plan on logging a lot of time in this unit.

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