Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Hunt Begins

I found a junk box at work that had an assortment of promotional items in it, including a rain gauge to place in the yard. I screwed it to a fence post on Friday. Upon checking it this morning after yesterdays' rains, I measured .35 inches of moisture within the capture tube. Isn't that exciting!
It looks like it could be another day of rain but we don't care as we have begun the hunt for a couch in the TV Room.
We went out yesterday and found the style we are looking for although not the color or price range. The couch pictured above is basically what we are looking for. The two sides recline. The seat in the middle does not. This one was priced at $1,500.00.

We found a couple more, equally as nice and comfy at a furniture store close to us on Monroe. They had a similar couch that reclined electrically for 700 bucks.

We are going to continue the hunt today. Since we are a good ways off from finishing the room, we are not in a panic to buy.

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