Sunday, September 13, 2020

Varnishing Point

It is another smoky day of smoky smokiness. It seems it is worse today than yesterday. It is after 3PM and I can finally see that filtered glow ball in the sky for the first time today.

The authorities say our air is hazardous. The index is up to 468. I don't know what 468 relates to. Dirt units? Smoke Modules? Nasal Impairments? I'm told the scale goes to 500.

In any event, it's not terribly healthy out there. We see very few people walking around the park and the basketball court is silent.

The good news for me is I don't feel terribly affected by the bad air. I'm not coughing or wheezing (any more than normal) and I don't feel particularly burdened by the smoke.

We made a little more progress on our remodel project. Susan got the doors painted on one side and we varnished all the trim and baseboards I installed. I would show you a picture but it doesn't look any different than what I posted yesterday.

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