Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Garden Update

Back in May, I repaired this little garden space on the back of the house. Then I planted a bunch of tomatoes, peppers, basil and chives. 

Amazingly, I never took pictures after I planted everything. I’m a huge fan of before and after pictures, in case you haven’t noticed. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.

Other than turning on the water every day or so and doing a little weeding, I really haven’t paid the garden much attention.

Tonight, my son stopped by and asked how my garden was doing. We went out back to look and he was amazed at how well it was doing. Upon closer inspection, I have a crap load of tomatoes. I have a nice little bush of basil ready for harvesting and there is something that looks like a jalapeño pepper, which I am not interested in. But Susan can use it.

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