I started brewing a batch of my world famous and highly coveted Christmas beer on Monday. Now we have the whole Brewery
AND Vinery operating in the kitchen at full capacity. The beer is in the red carboy with the blow off tube going into a bucket of water. The wine is in the green carboy. That blow off tube will come off soon and be replaced with a little vapor lock. Beer is very active for the first few days and blows off a lot of
spooge (that's the technical term) and then calms down for the rest of the fermentation process. This batch of beer is really percolating right now. They all bubble pretty good after the yeast first kicks in but this batch is very active. I cannot recall another batch as active as this one is. I was watching TV last night and every few minutes, the bucket would erupt in a
normous belch of gaseous
We had a bit of a panic last night. We opened the door to let a cat in and/or out and caught a
whiff of skunk. I checked the ground around the Carriage House and it was free of any signs of digging. I presume it was probably just someone passing through. I mean, surely we are not the only house around the park that has been inhabited by skunks.
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