If all goes well, we will be entering this wine in various fairs and exhibitions next summer. We didn't get anything made in time to enter in the fair this year and we were very discouraged and experienced great ennui upon attending the fair and seeing all the wine that we didn't enter.
And hence, our proactive efforts as seen above. It now has to sit for about two weeks and finish fermenting. It tastes highly alcoholic right now. There is a grapey flavor followed by a phenolic bite. It's not award winning yet.
Speaking of proactive, I pulled out the Ole reindeer last night to see if I can get the lights to work. I haven't even hung it the last couple of years because the lights stopped working. I intended to buy new lights and restring the thing, but I came across this nifty little tool to help me find the burned out bulbs. I'm about half way through it and I only have one string working. My nifty tool is helpful but I'm starting to think I need to buy a couple new strings. I wanted to avoid that possibility but I figure if young Chinese children can string the thing, I have a chance of accomplishing it as well.

I haven't been able to get a hold of Rob to borrow his truck so the leaves are still piled up in the yard. The forecast is calling for more rain today and along with it.....wind. Oh boy, we will get to rake alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll over again.
Today's Tidbit: Taken from the Haiku Section of Craig's List.
Thank that Psycho Bitch
She did you both a Favor
Free now to find love
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