9:54AM: First off, I need to get some coffee and go get the truck. We have a least one load of leaves to haul and maybe a little more.

As I was leaving to get the truck, there was a squirrel scurrying around the yard and the little bastard got me in a good mood so I broke out the bag of peanuts and put a few in a tree. I left the bag by the back door and went off to get the truck.
When I returned, the peanuts in the tree hadn't been touched. The varmint went right after the candy store. I really shouldn't be surprised and I am aware that there will be no appreciation coming from the little fellow.
1:04PM: A little more! We just finished with the first load and we're getting ready to head out. We have a really full load as seen in the picture. Unfortunately, we have a couple of piles still on the ground and the whole yard could use a once over with the Suckula Five Thousand Yard Vac.
3:19PM: Well that took waaaaaaay too long. We went North to Diversified Products but they chose to be closed on Sundays. I wish I would have noticed that when I was there on Friday.
So we turned around and went all the way out to Busy Bee. I could have saved some time by going to the City Dump but then, as I have explained so often in the past, I'm paying to dump water. In these tight financial times, it does not make sense to a tight wad like Susan (and me) to pay for a bunch of wet leaves. It cost ten dollars at "the Bee" and we had a really big load.
The problem now is we are burning daylight and we still have some leaves to get up. We have decided to bag them and then throw one in the garbage every week. I'll take a couple of bags to the Valley Transfer Station on my way to work this week and winnow them down that way too.
4:35PM: The day is over as far as the yard is concerned. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. It seems I barely scratched the surface on Friday when I took the morning off. Have I mentioned how much I dislike trees this time of year?The good news is that the leaves were dry enough to make the Suckula Five Thousand Yard Vac quite effective. The yard looks pretty nice and the leaves are up...or at least bagged. Susan made use of the Leaf Blower and I sucked up her little piles in between passes up and down the yard. We have completed Fall Yard Clean up.
Next, it is time to turn our attention inward and begin the next house project. We want to start pulling up the linoleum in our entry way. That will lead to completing the stairs.
But first, I get my reward...a cold home brew and a hot shower. In that order!!!

I really feel like I'm being manipulated but "the Man", whoever that may be. I know this cheap gas thing is a total illusion. It makes no sense that gas is as inexpensive as it is. Considering the state of things, gas should be approaching $5.00 a gallon.
But, I shall go along and pay the cheap price for as long as they will offer it. It could (and most likely will) all go to hell tomorrow.
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