Our dinner guests were my son Scott, his girlfriend Corissa, her daughter Lily, my stepson, Rob and his wife Jennifer. It was an odd gathering in that I had met Corissa once (and kept calling her Clarissa) and I had not met Jennifer ever. She and Rob were married last March. In fact, it was a bit of a re-connection with Rob.
Scott was feeling crappy as he had a 24 bug that had been passed on from Corissa and Lily. So they didn't stay very long.
We ended up having a great time talking with Rob and Jen and getting all caught up on wazzup.
Our friend Mark showed up around nine and helped us drink more and more and more wine.
One of the great benefits of the Solstice Party is that we end up with a shit load of fabulous wine. Everybody seems to bring a bottle and several of them don't get opened. Several of them were opened last night however.
We were considering going skiing today but decided that it was nice to have a day with absolutely nothing to do. With five more inches forecasted for tonight, I think I will go out and do some snowblowing clean up.
According to this mornings paper, this is officially the snowiest December since record keeping began in 1880. Forty-Se7en inches have fallen. And all of that was within a week and a half period. I am going to take a reading in the yard and record the official Corbin Park snowfall data here.
In the meantime, here are a couple of nice pictures I took yesterday when the sun broke through the clouds briefly.

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