As the alarm coaxed me out of my Tryptophan Coma, I struggled out of bed at about 5:20 after hitting the snooze twice. It's going to be a busy week and I had to get into work to get the week going.
So here I am at my desk writing a blog. It may not be quite as busy I thought.
I guess I should get my weekly Gasoline Report reported. Gas appears to be plentiful and cheap. Six years ago, I would not have thought that $1.69 a gallon is cheap for gas, but perspective is everything.

I keep taking pictures of the price of gas at this gas station because it seems to be among the cheapest in town. I'm always checking out gas prices so I have learned which stations are the least expensive. At least on the routes I drive regularly. I used to go to this dumpy little station on East Mission Street called the Tobacco Station. They always have cheap gas which I think they make up for with cigarettes. Not necessarily by charging more for them but by sheer volume. They seem to sell a shit load of smokes.
Well, it's December First so on my calendar it is officially Winter. The weather certainly looks wintry. It has been very damp for several days and the fog shrouds the city like (prepare for an awesome metaphor) "a fog shrouded city".
I should be getting out all our Christmas decorations but we can't until we have finished all our skywalk painting. Many of our neighbors wasted no time in getting their decorations up and the Halloween House down the park from us is festively flashing away like "a fog shrouded city".
Hey, I paid for that metaphor...I'm going to use it like know!
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