Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Armoire Construction

Susan worked late last night so I did some straightening of my lumber pile and then made dinner so it would be ready when she walked in the door.

After dinner we went upstairs to begin "ARMOIRE CONSTRUCTION".

It did not start well. We didn't have any glue and my Allen Wrenches are not metric. The unit comes with a little Allen Wrench but I thought that two would make it go faster. No such luck!

After a quick dash to the store for Elmer's Glue, we proceeded with the assembly. It took a moment or two to get our bearings and figure out what we were doing. Plus, we had to find all the parts. The various top, side and bottom pieces were not labeled. You had to indentify them by comparing them to the drawing.

We got the main case together and we'll finish up tonight. Then we start the staining.

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