Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Stage C, Part B

It took us just over an hour last night to lay down another coat of varnish. Tonight will be the last coat. Then it needs about three days to completely dry before we start putting furniture on the floor. During that time, we have some minor touch up painting on the walls and the baseboard can be installed.

We have noticed two spots where there are glaring gouges that we missed when we filled with wood putty. One is right in the center of the landing floor. It's going to be covered by a carpet but we can't believe that we both missed such an obvious repair spot. The other spot is in the bedroom, right at the door. it is less obvious. It's more of a waviness in the floor, presumably caused by sanding. It just didn't stand out when the floor was naked.

It seems odd after two years to consider the possibility that this project is almost over. And yet, I'm willing to consider it!

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