Monday, February 25, 2008

Assorted Disjointed Thoughts

Good Sunday. Slept in, enjoyed the newspaper and morning coffee, and worked on the house. Watched the snow melt for a while too. It's been warm lately but I still have a good six inches on the lawn.

Academy Awards last night. Watch em but don't know why. We haven't seen a single nominated movie. Hell, we haven't seen any movies PERIOD! I take that back. We saw "The Bucket List" a couple of weeks ago.

Tonight I'm priming a window. From the bathroom of course. Removed the glass and stripped it to wood. It's clean and pretty and ready to accept some stain.

Ran tonight. One mile. 11 minutes, 33 seconds. Not bad for a first night out. I'll get better. Frankly, I'm impressed that I ran a mile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. I gave up on the mile years ago. Hell, I'll bet even Dave Wattles has given up the mile. Sometimes I still swim a a half mile. You're quite a throwback, Stanley.