Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Title Goes Here

The Countdown continues and we are harried, but it's nice to have something to do.

I discovered I have to be careful when writing the word "countdown" as I have a tendency to drop the "o" in a critical spot.

We successfully completed the skywalk job and did it in two days. We did two skywalks on Sunday, working until 9:30 or something. We got the third one finished on Monday night, and even made it home in time to watch "The Good Wife", which we DVR'd on it didn't really matter what time we got home and now I've wasted valuable vowels on a superfluous sentence.

Susan has not yet finished her wall papering in the Hall Alcove so I haven't returned the radiator to service so we still have yet to fire up the boiler. Mark October 2011 as a record setting year cuz I don't see the heat coming on before next week. I'm pretty sure that beats the previous record but I guess I ought to research that before making some outlandish claim.

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