Sunday, September 29, 2019

End of the Boiler Game-2019

It tried to snow several times yesterday and in some parts of town, it succeeded. But not around Corbin Park. It has been quite chilly which prompted me to turn on the furnace this morning, thus ending the Boiler Game for 2019.

I am presently between computers and am currently using the laptop from church. It has an annoying feature where the curser will suddenly jump from it's place and reappear in the middle of a previous paragraph. Since I'm not a touch typist, it is most confounding to look up from the keys and see I've typed a whole bunch into the middle of a previous paragraph. It has done it twice while I typed the last sentence.

But it is better than the Google Chrome book I've been using, which won't even let me access this blog.

We are coming to the end of the road with Oscar. Our 19 year old cat has slowed down dramatically in the last few weeks and now he is hardly eating.

Last night, I came home and found him hanging by his claw from the couch. He got stuck on a cushion and then fell off the couch and remained hooked. No telling how long he was stuck there. He was a little wobbly when I got him free but he seems to have bounced back.

For the last week, whenever I come down in the morning, or Susan comes home in the afternoon, we pensively look around and hope to find him still alive.

It's rainy and cold so we are not doing much today. It feels like a good day to sit and watch football.

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