Saturday, January 18, 2020

Snow Clean Up at Icicle Fantasy Land

Icicles everywhere.

I woke up this morning to a light snow fall coming down but not sticking. After a nice breakfast of CheeseEggs and Ham, I got dressed and headed outside to do some snow blowing tidying up. I cut a path from the back door through the side yard to the front. I cut another path in the backyard to the hot tub.

While engaging in this activity, I noticed the giant icicle that usually forms near the upstairs bathroom was well on the way to being huge. I knocked off what I could from the bathroom window. However, I have some heat cord in that area and I had not plugged it in yet. I requires breaking out the ladder and climbing up there with an extension cord to hook it up. 
A six inch strip of my heat cord had been enveloped by the icicle and so a huge chunk of the icicle remained suspended from the dangling cord.
So now I had to break out the ladder and climb up there with an extension cord to hook it up. I broke it up as much as possible but a large piece remains while the heat cord does it's job.

I just went out and checked on it and it has fallen off. That of course, verifies for me that the heat cord is working.

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