Saturday, January 11, 2020

Winter Storm 2020 Aftermath

It has warmed up substantially which has made the 5 inches of snow here at the house even heavier than it was last night. I got up a little after 8 and was firing up my snow blower by 8:30. The chute kept jamming with sloppy slushy snow. It made it very difficult to clear all the snow. Fortunately, my neighbors had gotten out before me and cleared their areas so I had less square footage to cover.

Nonetheless, it took about an hour and a half to clear everything.

There is more snow forecast for tomorrow. I am ready for it and I am also anticipating the arrival of plows in the neighborhood. They will clear the street but they will also create giant berms along the curbs and driveway entrances. Without vigilance of care, it can become a mess quickly.

We have inherited a cat that we don't want. We named him TwoToes because he has two white toes on one foot that stuck out to me.

He's very friendly but he's also very needy. He bit Susan on the arm when she was getting food for him. It wasn't malicious but that didn't keep her arm from swelling and turning red around the area of the bite.

She went to the doctor who prescribed antibiotics.

We are taking TwoToes to SCRAPS today. It's unfortunate but he is not our cat. Especially since Susan (a total cat person) is very weary of him.

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