Sunday, April 19, 2020

Window Work

We are still in the midst of a Stay Home order as the Covid-19 Corona-virus continues to shut down the world. Susan and I are both still working. We received our Gub'ment Stimulus money this past week which added $2,400.00 to our bank account. So we are still surviving this comfortably.

Fortunately, we have stuff to do here at the house which is keeping us from going stir crazy. We work on the house by day and watch TV by night. Currently, we are working our way through "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" on Amazon and "Tiger King" on Netflix.
The project I wanted to complete this weekend was to make this window open. I am trying to restore all the windows as we go through the rooms so that they work reasonably well. That usually includes stripping them down the bare wood, tearing in to the window, and replacing the ropes that hold the weights.

This window was painted shut on the outside and then to make it even more unopenable, someone caulked the lower part of the window to the sill. I'm sure that was done to seal up the gap but it could be as easily sealed with a nice rubber strip along the bottom, which is what I intend to do.

It took a while and quite a bit of patience. I've done work on this window before and in the process, cracked the glass. I did not want to repeat that.

The hardest part was dealing with the weights. They must easily weigh 50 pounds each. While attaching the weights, I had a major problem with the rope falling off the pulleys and getting jammed. It took a while but we prevailed.

Susan has finished up the stripping and is concentrating on some small detail work on the door jams. She now thinks we are ready to start painting and putting up the picture rail and crown molding.

It's approaching three o'clock and time to relax with a cold malty beverage on the front porch.

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