Tuesday, July 05, 2011

What a Weekend

It is the "Monday Morning" after the three day weekend and I am preparing for work and reflecting on the past three days.

We done good!

We accomplished a lot and we had lots of activity. Floating the river was great. We got some sun, had a little picnic and enjoyed the copious amounts of nature that seemed to be everywhere around us.

I had a brain fart when we got out there because I had forgotten the gate code to get into the property. I'm getting old and showing it daily.

Here's photographic evidence.

The last picture is that Deer Skeleton I discovered and wrote about back in May. I didn't have my camera back in May so I had to get this picture.

We did ride our bikes downtown to watch the fireworks but I have no photographic evidence to relay. I couldn't find the camera as we were heading down.

But if you've seen fireworks before, you have a pretty good idea of what we watched.

The great part, as always, was getting home. riding our bikes through the throngs of cars and people was a breeze and again, home in ten minutes.

What a Country!

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