Thursday, September 22, 2011

Satellite Guy

DirecTV is smart. I was all prepared to really lay into the technician when he showed up today to fix the satellite. I have numerous problems with the way they schedule and their subsequent follow up.

But they were smart. They sent out the friendliest looking guy I have ever seen. I could hardly take out my frustrations on him. He was just so friendly, as friendly as he looked.

It took him a while to trace down the problem and he was very thorough...which means I'm happy. But instead of showing up at 2:00 as promised, he arrived at almost 4:00. He had left me a message on my home phone but not my cell, which is the phone I requested they use to contact me. Unfortunately, that directive never made it to Mr. Friendly.

The nice thing was that with all the extra time on my hands, I was able to get a good start on my Major Halloween Project.

More details will follow in posts to come.

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