Monday, March 12, 2012

Saturday Night Concert

One of the many gifts Susan gave me for my birthday was tickets to see comedian Adam Carolla. The concert was last night. After a day of working on our various projects, we headed downtown to the Knitting Factory. 

It was the first visit to the Knitting Factory for both of us. We got down there about 20 minutes before the show and managed to find a pair of decent seats. I got into the 15 minute bar line to get us a couple of plastic cups of $6.50 wine. Each!

When I returned I found I was seated next to  a group of  six 30 something guys who had been drinking heavily already. When they returned from the bar, Susan said they each had three beers.

I was lucky enough to be seated next to the largest of these guys. I managed to move my chair a little bit out of his girth zone. He wasn't fat, he was solid. And...he was drunk.

The concert began with all of these guys feeling compelled to share thoughts with Adam. They all felt the show would be much better with their contributions. I know this because I used to be one of these Douche Bags.

Anyway, the guy was an affable enough drunk, at one point inviting everyone in our section to a party at his house after the show located at 151 Bacardi Lane or something like that.

It really wasn't too bad until the last 20 minutes of the show when the solid affable douche next to me started to fall asleep. At one point, he cupped his hands behind his head and his elbow slowly sank onto my shoulder. I know his friends noticed. I would roll out of his way and startle him back to consciousness, only for him to slip back towards his friend and then follow with a tide change back to me.

We had a good time and Adam Carolla put on a totally different show than I expected. I think he is usually pretty extemporaneous except when he goes to a place he has never been. It was clearly a thought out presentation with plenty of room to riff and respond to Douche Land next to me.

I thought he would be too crude for Susan...and he was crude. But, he was just plain funny too. I'm glad I went and I will go again.

We left the show and had a couple more glasses of wine at a new spot we found downtown.

We finished the night at home with a dip in the hot tub and then off to bed to prepare for the change to Daylight Savings Time.

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