Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday in Suburbia - Does Living in Spokane Count as "Suburbia"?

It is early evening as I sit down at the computer and begin this post. The plan is that what you are about to read is compelling, humorous and indicative of what can occur when words are put together in no particular order with no particular agenda.

It's a sloppy January day in Spokaloo and Susan and I enjoyed it to the best of our poor time management ablities. I started the morning by watching a bunch of PBS Home Improvement shows without performing any actual home improvement. Then I went out to the Carriage House to sand some living room trim as well as perform some secret security work. (I'm sorry, I'm not at liberty to talk about the secret security work as it involves some security matters and the secrets surrounding it/them.)

I managed to completely sand the trim pieces and get a coat of stain on them.

My victory for the day was finding my cell phone that I lost about three weeks ago. I had just charged it up and put it in a pocket on my backpack. All of the sudden, it was gone.

I found it on the edge of the driveway by the Arbor Vitae, kind of up against a little chunk of snow. It was off when I lost it so I was hopeful it would be okay. I am pleased to report that it appears to be okay. Yea!

I'm brutal on phones and cameras.

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