Saturday, January 05, 2013

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

9:29AM: Got out of bed. It is fabulous to sleep in. The sun got so bright in our room that we were finally forced out of bed.

9:45AM: Made a couple of Peppermint Patty's and sat in the hot tub.

10:15AM: Got out of the hot tub. I took a shower and got dressed.

10:43AM: Came in here and started writing this Blog Post. I shall continue to update throughout the day.

10:55AM: Added chemistry to the hot tub. I changed out the water the day after Christmas and had not added any chemistry yet, so it was well overdue. I also added some Coconut Mango Oil to augment the smell of the water, which smelled like two week old hot tub water.

11:05AM: I found it is much easier to remove the lights than to put them up. I had a string up on the balcony that I forgot about. Fortunately, Susan reminded me this morning. So now that's done!

12:30PM: I cleaned out the cat box and have done some assorted stuff. I am now heading out to purchase a few needed items, like a new filter for the aquarium and a new blade for my hack saw.

1:57PM: Returned home to learn that Mom had called and her new computer was ready for pick up at the Apple Store. So we drove over and picked up Mom and went downtown to Apple-Topia.

4:12PM: We have returned after getting Mom her new computing machine and then we went to P.F. Chang's for a late lunch. Her new computer is pretty cool and we have just played with Facetime, the video conferencing dealie on the computer.

7:something PM: We walked over to the Hub to watch Gonzaga play against Santa Clara. Mark joined us over there and we watched the game through half time. Then we came home and watched the end of the game. 

It is starting to snow now. Looks like we're in for some winter.

Well, that's the day. What an exciting life we live!

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