Saturday, August 03, 2013

Horrible Poster Man

I was checking the posts for the last month and realized I haven't posted shit. I have done a terrible job of keeping things up to date. I have meant to post lots o times. I just haven't followed through.

Well, let's rectify that.

On top of working on the Living Room, which we really haven't been doing, we have lots of little projects going on.

I stopped watering the side yard a while back and now that the grass is properly brown, I started roto-tilling the area. It has turned into a major nightmare due to something I have brought up before.

There is not a square foot of dirt on our little chunk of heaven that I can put a shovel to and not hit a root. I'm not sure if I just created a double or triple negative in that sentence so let me re-state it. We have roots! They are everywhere and they are prodigious.

I'm about one third of the way through the whole grassy area and that has taken me four hours. 

You can see by the pictures that the roots are just big horizontal trees that grow underground.

I'm looking forward to completing this soon and reseeding. It seems a long way off.

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