Thursday, August 15, 2013


The alarm went off at 5:41AM this morning. We didn't set the alarm but it went off nonetheless. 

The alarm shocked us out of a restful slumber to sitting straight up in bed and saying, "What the Hell was that!?"

It was a very loud noise that came from outside our bedroom window. I went to the window and saw that a sizable portion of the fifty foot tree in the back of the house had peeled away from itself and settled into the yard. It took down the power line to the Carriage House and screwed up some of the Security Cameras, but I don't ever talk about those here so...never mind.

So it is not hard to guess what I was going to be doing when I got home from work. I got out my clippers and my cheesy little electric chain saw and I went to work.

Just as I was heading out to begin my toil, my friend Ron called and said he has some time to kill and was coming over to help. I told him I welcomed his help and went to town with my nippers.

In no time I had cut a little path through to the backyard and when Ron arrived, he grabbed the cheesy little electric chain saw and made short work of that forest. 

Once he removed some of the larger branches, the end still attached up in the tree started to move and we realized it was going to be coming down. And come down it did. It hit hard! That would have easily crushed a ladder, squirrel or me.

It is more or less cleaned up although I have a lot more tidying up to do.

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